AKC GCH ASCA CH Stormridge's What's Your Story
ASCA CH Absoloot Eye Kandi DNA-VP


Absoloot Bright Lites & Bubbles "Kiki"

Owned by


Blue Merle

Owned by


Black Tri

Owned by


Absoloot Backyard Swagger "TJ"

Owned by


Black Tri

Owned by


Black Tri

Owned by


Black Tri

Owned by







Pedigree for Titan x Kandi Litter


AKC GCH ASCA CH Stormridge's What's Your Story BISS ASCA CH AKC GCH Crofton's Fat Chance STDds HOF CH Crofton Hide and Seek STDd GS-E JS-E RS-E CH Kaleidoscope Stone Ravenwynd CD
CH Crofton Remember Wren STDs GS-N JS-N RS-N CD
CH Bayouland's Hug Me Forever CD MBISS AKC/ASCA CH
Broadways Blaze Of Glory RE OA OAJ
AKC CH Lil Creek's Hug Me Tight
AKC/ASCA CH Stormridge's Light My Fire HOF BISS ASCA/CKC CH AKC GCH Copperridge's Fire N Bayouland HOF HOFX BIS AKC GCH AKC/ASCA/CKC CH Bayouland Creme Brûlée CGC
CH Fianns Silver Sweet Sound
HOF ASCA/CKC CH Stormridge's Ewe Turn up The Heat HIC CGN BISS HOF ASCA/AKC CH Stormridge's He's All That CD TDI ROMX-III ROM-C-II
Stormridge's After Hours
ASCA CH Absoloot Eye Kandi DNA-VP ASCA CH Stormridge's Bag of Chips HOF BISS ASCA/CKC/AKC GCH Copperridge's Fire N Bayouland BIS/BISS AKC/ASCA/CKC CH Bayouland Creme Brulee
CH Fianns Silver Sweet Sound
ASCA/CKC CH Stormridge's Ewe Turn up The Heat HIC CGN BISS ASCA AKC CH Stormridge's He's All That CD TDI ROMX-III ROM-C-II
Stormridge's After Hours
HOF ASCA CH Absoloot Vinelake Luxury Tax CGC TDI DNA-CP CH Heatherhill My Waterloo CH Heatherhill Grand Marshall
CH Oprah Winfree of Heatherhill
Vinelake's Canasta BISS ASCA AKC CH Stormridge's He's All That CD TDI ROMX-III ROM-C-II
Darwin Manape Allthatmatters

Copyright © 2022 Absoloot Australian Shepherds. Design by Jillayne Karras