Date of Birth: January 06, 2010 | Color/Sex: Red Merle Female
Weight: 42 pounds | Height: 20 inches | Bite/Dentition: Full Dentition/Scissors Bite
OFA Hips: Excellent (AS-28724E24F-NOPI) | OFA Elbows: Normal | Eyes: Cleared Yearly
HSF4: Clear | PHA: Positive
AKC #: DN26717906 | ASCA #: Pending | ASCA DNA-VP
Breeder: Keli Gaunt | Owners: Bev Grovert and Kathyrn Nikkel

Vanity finished her ASCA championship with all majors from the Bred By class. She was Reserve Winners Bitch at the Upper Midwest ASC National Pre-Show from the Bred By class.

BIS ASCA/AKC/DK/PL CH Khetashio Heart Of A Legend PT RA DNA-VP Star Breeds Final Countdown ASCA/AKC Ch Brookridge Winning Ways CH Moonlights Hottest Thing Goin
CH Brookridge Joy N My Heart
Windstar Hawaiian Beauty CH Auga Dulce Famous Option
CH Auga Ducle Rompin' The Wind
DK CH Gefions To Be AKC CH Gefion's William Shakespeare CH Moonlights Jay Of Rafter J CD
CH Gefions Revolution
CH Gefion's Ohtobe Oughtobe CH Propwash Manape Ghostrider
CH Gefions Ohtobe Audacious
ASCA CH Absoloot Vinelake Luxury Tax CGC TDI DNA-CP CH Heatherhill My Waterloo CH Heatherhill Grand Marshall CH Levi Dockers of Heatherhill
CH Shady Acres Irish Lyric
CH Oprah Winfree of Heatherhill CH Agua Dulce Final Option
Moonspinner of Brigadoon
Vinelake's Canasta BISS ASCA AKC CH ROMX-III ROM-C-II Stormridge's He's All That CD TDI CH Harmony Hills Hunt Country
Chloes Impressive Review
Darwin Manape Allthatmatters AKC/ASCA/CKC CH Paradox Propaganda HOF
Sunmades Baby Ruth

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